Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Developing and improving upon your main task.

L.o: TO learn how using the 'close - up' can improve your film- making.

( I had not yet devised an idea for my main film, so the examples listed are ones from my preliminary film.)

When have you used the close-up in your current 2 minute movie?
- To show the protagonist is listening to an ipod
- When the character is revealed for the first time.

Why have you used it?
- Indicate that the sound is diagetic and non- diagetic
-To show the facial expressions of the character

what effect does it have?
- creates a link to the genre
-It create suspense for the audience as they dont know why he is so uneasy.

Things i learnt this lesson:

-How close - up shots evoke emotions which can be linked to genres & visual references.
- creates reversal - is important turning point a change of fortune or luck.

Aristole said best ones occur at the same time of a discovery or moment of realisation which changes their actions for the better or worst: '39 steps'.

In my film at the end is when the reversal occurs as it is when the protagonist realises that she was the one who murderd the victim, and that she doesnt have a best friend at all, but her imagination.

I am creating this so the audience experience the character's revelating moment simultaneously, which i personally find more enjoyable when watching a movie.


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